How to Store Pressed Flower Frame Art?

While pressed flowers can retain their vibrant colors for an extended period, some degree of fading is inevitable over time, typically occurring within 2-3 years. Through practical observation, it's been noted that deep-colored flowers tend to maintain their hues better than lighter ones.

To address the issue of color fading, our products are specifically designed with solutions. We incorporate a drying plate behind the flowers and package them with aluminum foil to safeguard against corrosion and preserve the flowers' color.

For those seeking to prolong the vibrancy of their pressed flower art, here are some tips:

  • Store your cherished pressed flower frames in environments with low humidity. Excessive moisture can accelerate the fading process.
  • Avoid placing your pressed flower art in direct sunlight. Direct exposure to sunlight hastens the fading of flower colors.

By following these practices, you can help maintain the beauty and longevity of your pressed flower art pieces.

Here is our pressed flower frame piece that is over 2 years old.